Exploring the Elemental Interactions of Melamine with Binder–Metal Powder Mixtures: A Pathway to Enhanced Catalytic Debinding and Rheological Control

Abstract In advanced powder metallurgy technologies such as metal injection molding (MIM) and material extrusion technology (MEX), the intricate synergy between binder components and metallic powders within feedstocks is predominant, dictating the technological boundaries of metal’s complexity, size, and thickness. This work suggests unique binder constituents (polymers, surfactants and melamine), aiming to boost the debinding efficacy and solid loading while ensuring processability. The interactions and role of melamine by thermal and rheological studies are detailed, spotlighting how, unlike traditional binder systems, the pioneering feedstock introduces beneficial modifications to storage modulus (G′) and loss tangent (tan δ), alongside a lubricating effect on metallic mixtures. This study highlights the potential of melamine to facilitate a more efficient debinding process, with superior formaldehyde management and environmental control. Through this material-centric lens, we offer new pathways to navigate the complexities of MIM and MEX, advancing towards technological enhancement and environmental protection. Keywords: processing; metal injection molding; additive manufacturing; binder design; rheology; thermal properties


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  • 成果名称:低表面能涂层


    联 系 人:周老师




    联 系 人:周老师




    联 系 人:周老师




    联 系 人:周老师

