Space bearing retainers are widely made of a porous, oil-impregnated material due to the unmaintainability of spacecraft. Porous polyimide (PI) material with a certain micropore structure can be used as a lubricant storage and migration channel to realize the lubricant circulation supply in the bearing system. In this work, molecular dynamics simulations are adopted to model the lubricant outflow process from the pore of the PI material. Coarse-grained models are constructed to investigate the lubricant migration behaviors with different rotation speeds, rotation radii, and pore sizes. The results show that a lubricant within the pore fails to outflow due to the capillary effect in a static state. However, for the rotating pores, if the centrifugal forces resulting from rotation exceed the capillary forces, the lubricants will begin to flow out. Furthermore, the lubricant in the large pore is easier to outflow due to the smaller capillary force, which is the main mechanism of lubricant outflow from the pores.
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