Triboelectrically Empowered Biomimetic Heterogeneous Wettability Surface for Efficient Fog Collection

Biomimetic engineering surfaces featuring heterogeneous wettability are vital for atmospheric water harvesting applications. Existing research predominantly focuses on the coordinated regulation of surface wettability through structural and chemical modifications, often overlooking the prevalent triboelectric charge effect at the liquid–solid interface. In this work, we designed a heterogeneous wettability surface by strategic masking and activated its latent triboelectric charge using triboelectric brushes, thereby enhancing the removal and renewal of surface droplets. By examining the dynamic evolution of droplets, the mechanism of triboelectric enhancement in the water collection efficiency is elucidated. Leveraging this inherent triboelectric charge interaction, fog collection capacity can be augmented by 29% by activating the system for 5 s every 60 s. Consequently, the advancement of triboelectric charge-enhanced fog collection technology holds both theoretical and practical significance for overcoming the limitations of traditional surface wettability regulation.


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  • 成果名称:低表面能涂层


    联 系 人:周老师




    联 系 人:周老师




    联 系 人:周老师




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